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$ 9.99

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This beautiful and fragrant plant will make a great addition to any garden. Plant it outdoors and enjoy its natural insect repellant or keep indoors to have close by when cooking your favorite meals.

FRESH HERB: Lemongrass is an edible and aromatic perennial herb that is great to have in your garden!

GROWTH: Lemongrass will grow to be 3-5 feet tall, with a spread of up to 2 feet wide.

CARE: Lemongrass prefers a spot where it'll receive full sunlight. Make sure you plant it in well-draining, nitrogen-rich soil. If grown outdoors, water whenever the top inch of soil dries out, which will be about twice a week. If grown indoors, keep in a location with direct sunlight and water it about every other day during the hotter months.

FUN FACT: Lemongrass is a natural insect repellant! Plant it outdoors and enjoy!

LIVE PLANTS: Our plants are grown exclusively for Deep Roots and The Three Company, shipped fresh directly from our greenhouse to you!

  • Sunlight


  • Water


  • Care Level

    Care level


  • Growing zones

    Growing zones


  • Size details

    Size details

    Ships 10" Tall by 5" Wide in 1.5 Quart Pot

  • Blooming time

    Blooming time


4-10 outdoors hardy down to -20°F
