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Proven Winners® Verbena - Superbena Stormburst

6" Tall by 6" Wide in 1.56 PW Pot

$ 34.99

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This annual trailing plant will add a beautiful pattern to your Spring garden. Its purple and white stripes give a unique look that are sure to stand out. Plant at the front of your garden or hang in a container to admire its trailing nature.

SPRING FLOWER: Beautiful purple and white striped verbena that is sure to add a touch of color to any space!

GROWTH: Superbena Stormbuert Verbena will grow to be about 12 inches high with a s spread of up to 30 inches.

CARE: Plant in a location with full to partial sun and well-draining soil. Water moderately.

FUN FACT: This plant attracts butterflies and is deer resistant!

Proven Winners® - Photo courtesy of Proven Winners

  • Sunlight


    This plant will thrive in a location that gets a lot of sunshine and a little bit of shade each day.

  • Water


    Water in the morning about an inch per week!

  • Care Level

    Care level


  • Growing zones

    Growing zones


  • Size details

    Size details

    Ships 6" Tall by 6" Wide in 1.56 PW Pot

  • Blooming time

    Blooming time


4-10 outdoors hardy down to -20°F
